Ask, Seek, Knock- Part 4


After we ask God, and as we seek for possible ways that God might answer our requests, we must then knock on the doors. Knocking is another level of prayer, where a door exists but needs to be knocked on to be opened. This is the third level which involves knocking. Here, both time and recurrence are involved. A knock is not a single blow, it is a series of blows. It is a demand for admittance and is repeated as required. It suggests circumstances where we seek an entrance, or an opportunity or a way out or into something. It suggests a barrier that stands in the way against us that does not permit us in nor see what is behind that door. That requires knocking. We might be looking for an opportunity, seeking an entrance into an area that is now restricted from us. This requires knocking.

We come before God and confidently and repeatedly ask for a door , and then seek the door and then knock on that door resting assured that what Jesus says here is true, Knock, and it shall be opened. So I encourage you to Keep on asking and it will be given to you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and it will be opened to you

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