Can anyone stop Christmas?

Christmas doesn’t mean trees and ornaments. It does not mean lights and food. Christmas to a believer simply means Christ. Many attempts were made to stop Christmas. King Herod was the man who tried to stop Christmas. He tried cunningly and with all his wealth and power, to stop Christmas but he came to complete ruin. He ordered that the first child in the land to be killed so that Jesus would be destroyed and thus he will succeed in stopping Christmas.
He was ignorant to the fact that “God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Philippians 2:9–10. Herod ended up on the ash-heap of history and Jesus ended sitting on the throne of the most high.

Herod ended, Christmas continued. You should always realize that there will always be attempts to stop Christmas because where Christ is conflict exists. Where Christ is decisions should be made.

However, Herod like the many tyrants before and after him, who tried and will try to defy God eventually will reap what they sow. All those who fight God, or try to stop His work eventually will fail and God will always prevail. So raise your head up high for Jesus is still alive and the people who tried to stop Christmas have passed away.

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