I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3: 13-14
Fact 2: Forget what is behind
That one is difficult. In order to step forward you should be as light as possible. This means you have to throw overboard all weights that are hindering you to proceed forward efficiently. To forget what is behind means simply to forget all that is behind you from this point where you are standing.
We must forget our past faults and sins. Simply if you have repented, confessed and forsaken them (Proverbs 28:13), then we must forget them because God has forgiven it and forgotten it (1 John 1:9. If God has forgotten our sins we must do the same, otherwise the memory of them will impede us from stepping forward. I wonder how many times the apostle Paul thought of, regretted and cried of his part in the stoning of Stephen? Let it Go
We must forget our past failures. If you are constantly living upon your failures and reviving the memory of them, you will destroy your peace and progress and you will be limiting yourself. Don’t be filled with regret over what might have been. Forget about your past failures the best is yet to come. Let it Go.
We must forget our past successes and pleasures. To dwell constantly upon our past achievements will hinder us from what lies ahead. We will miss the goal if we do not look forward instead we are looking behind for the achievements and successes. To be occupied with the past gains of Egypt is to fail to realise the value of God’s present miraculous provision.
We must forget our past unhappy experiences. You lost a job? Has someone hurt you? Thinking and worrying about it won’t fix things on the contrary it will cause resentment and bitterness and you don’t want to carry that over to next year. Let it go forget what is behind….
We must forget our past blessings. They were for the days that passed and they are insufficient for today’s needs. The Lord’s provision is “new every morning” (Lamentations 3:23). Forget the past blessings…….
We must forget the hurts of others. This is the toughest to do. But it needs to be done. The hurts are in the past, carrying them over is a exhausting task that will eventually slow you down if not kill what lies ahead. Let it go……
Disappointments, successes, failures, being hurt from others, IT IS ALL BEHIND YOU. LET IT GO and FORGET WHAT IS BEHIND SO YOU CAN DARE TO STEP FORWARD. The past does not exist beyond this point where you are standing. I encourage you to dare to step forward.