Do you feel that there is nothing left to keep you going? Do you feel as if God has abandoned you? Are you desperate to say like Elijah “God Take me!” ….Are you terrified of the mountains standing in front of you?Today God is is saying to you “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the LORD your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31: 6……and he is saying to you today…….
“I know you. I know the struggles that you have been through. I know the hardships that you have had to walk through. I know the work of the enemy against you. I know what’s happened. I know that you have been a sign spoken against. I know that there are people that have risen up in conflict with you. I say to you right now, I know your heart and that your heart is for Me. Understand that I will not forsake you. Never will I leave you. For, I am leading you to a fresh pasture. I’m leading you to new ground. I’m leading you into the place of My Glory, even in these days. And, it begins this very moment and this time that as you realize that I am one with you that you will know that everything is going to be okay. Just walk. Walk with Me. Believe in Me. Trust in Me to bring you into the freshness of a new day this very season, says the Lord. ” (By Burns)