No room?

“And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7

The economy was booming, the ship was cursing and the sails were up. Business was doing great and everything was just right. You might be at this point in your life, on top of the world.

That was the case with the inn keeper. His inn was full and he was doing really well. Scripture doesn’t specifically mention who he is or even mention him. But that specific night in Bethlehem, an innkeeper met strangers, a man and his pregnant wife. And a choice had to be made.

Now ask yourself, have you ever come across the nativity scene, where you see Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the animals, the shepherds, the wise men……. and the innkeeper? Why there is no inn keeper? where is the inn keeper? has anyone seen him?

I wonder if he only knew who was knocking at his door that night. But on the other hand he was busy, his decision was to turn them away saying he had no room for them.

No room? Yes no room, I am busy plus the business is doing great and I don’t need them. Really? I wish I could have been there to tell him who was knocking at his door that night. I wish I was there to tell him what he will be missing. I wonder what his reaction was after the news had spread that a king was born. I wonder after he heard the news if he went after them and asked them to come back! Please come back! But unfortunately, it was too late. I wonder if he had spent the rest of his life regretting that simple decision…..regretting that missed opportunity…..regretting the one time chance of opening the door….regretting his busyness….regretting his response ” NO ROOM”.

As a result he missed the first Christmas.

If he only was sensitive enough to hear God knocking on his heart’s door and welcomed Him ….if only he invited Him in…if he only made a room available for Him in his busy day that night his whole life could have changed.

What will your answer be when that chance comes knocking at your? or when God is calling you to a new plan or to a new challenge?  “ NO ROOM” …..Don’t let your busyness take your chances away. 

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