Free Stress Quiz Welcome to our Free Stress Quiz with 20 20 questions. Answer the following questions honestly. There are no right or wrong answers. The goal is to reflect on your current state of mind and life circumstances to assess how stress might be affecting you. For each question, select the answer that best reflects your experience. Name Email 1. Physical Symptoms: Headaches Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 2. Physical Symptoms: Fatigue, muscle tension or pain Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 3. Physical Symptoms: Stomach issues (e.g., upset stomach, indigestion) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 4. Physical Symptoms: Rapid heartbeat Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 5. Physical Symptoms: Insomnia or difficulty sleeping (change in sleep patterns) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 6. Emotional Symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 7. Emotional Symptoms: Irritability or short temper Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 8. Emotional Symptoms: Anxiety or worry Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 9. Emotional Symptoms: Depression or sadness Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 10. Emotional Symptoms: Restlessness Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 11. Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty concentrating Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 12. Cognitive Symptoms: Memory problems Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 13. Cognitive Symptoms: Negative thinking Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 14. Cognitive Symptoms: Indecisiveness Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 15. Cognitive Symptoms: Racing thoughts Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 16. Behavioral Symptoms: Procrastination Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 17. Behavioral Symptoms: Withdrawing from others Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 18. Behavioral Symptoms: Changes in eating habits (e.g., overeating or loss of appetite) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 19. Behavioral Symptoms: Increased use of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None 20. Behavioral Symptoms: Nervous habits (e.g., nail biting, pacing) Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always None Disclaimer: This quiz is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat stress. For an official diagnosis, please consult a licensed mental health professional. This quiz is based on elements from popular stress tests like the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, and others. It will give you a good understanding of your current stress levels and help you reflect on key areas of stress in your life. Time's up