As small as Grasshoppers-Part 1

 So at the Lord’s command Moses sent these men from the Desert of Paran. 25 Forty days later, they came back from exploring the land. 26 They gave their report and showed them the fruit from the land.  Caleb said, “Let’s go now and take possession of the land. We should be more than able to conquer it.” 31 But the men who had gone with him said, “We can’t attack those people! They’re too strong for us!” They said, “The land we explored is one that devours those who live there. All the people we saw there are very tall. We felt as small as grasshoppers, and that’s how we must have looked to them.” Numbers 13: 24-33

The eye

Jesus said the eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is healthy, your life will be full of light (Matthew 6:22). Your eye affects your life. Vision is not only seeing things, but it is also the way in which we see things. Vision is the interpretation lens of life’s events, the way we view people and our concept of God.

Jesus says this lens is the lamp of your whole life. If it is not clear or distorted, your whole life will be affected. Jesus even stresses the point that “if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness”. This means that this lens translates events into light or darkness depending on its type.

If your vision is not right, you will be living in darkness because you cannot distinguish the truth. YOU CANNOT SEE THE RIGHT IMAGE IN ITS RIGHT PERSPECTIVE with the right colors and details WITH THE WRONG LENS. If these lenses are impaired then you might see small things big, big things small, the wrong things right and the right things wrong. In that case your perspective becomes impaired.

Twelve spies observed and experienced the same things. Twelve saw the same land and the people living in it. Yet two of them returned with an account that is completely different from that of the other ten. Why? What did Caleb and Joshua see that the ten did not see? How come they experienced the event together and their report was different?

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