The Priceless Bottle- Part 1

I was invited to my friend’s house where they wanted to celebrate their son’s graduation. They argued, searched and bought the most expensive bottle for the occasion. At least this is what they thought it to be.  Let me tell you about a different bottle……The Priceless Bottle….The most Precious Bottle that exists…The bottle of all Times….

Life travels fast. It is full of ups and downs as we live in a fallen world tragedies happen and they hit you when least expected. Broken hearts, farewells, sicknesses, financial loss and above all separation from loved ones. In all these circumstances tears are shed. Through our journey in life we encounter much pain that we forget when and where and how many tears were shed.

You may forget and fail from counting your tears, but every tear that falls from your cheeks is so precious maybe not to you, maybe not to the people who hurt you, maybe not even to the closest people to you. To them it might mean nothing, but to God it is EVERYTHING.

In fact it is so important to God that he follows you around in every path and road that you take. You might not see him but he is there with that bottle. He collects every one of them in every situation that tries to break you in that very special bottle that has your name on it. All are collected in that bottle…NONE IS WASTED……that special bottle…..that precious bottle……THE PRICELESS BOTTLE…..The Bottle of Your Priceless Tears….. Psalm 56: 8 “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

Why does he keep your tears in that Priceless Bottle?……Part 2 coming soon

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