When Your World Falls Apart-Part 2

 “People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.” Ecclesiastes 9:12

But how To Keep It Together When Everything Is Falling Apart?

1. When everything falls apart remember God Knows and sees.

When we are hit hard by life, we immediately tend to think that God does not know what just happened to us. He did not see that coming. Our argument being had He knew, we would have avoided this disaster. Or else God wouldn’t be a loving father. Throughout our lives you come to a point where you find yourself in that dark tunnel where you see no light, no end to your pain, no end to what you are going through. REMEMBER and realize that God knows that your world is falling apart and that even if you cannot see God He sees you and sees the end of your dark tunnel and He knows and sees every pain you feel and knows every tear you drop.

Psalm 56: 8 You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

He keeps track of all your sorrows. He records them in His own hand writing and in His special book. I told you He knows, He knows far more than we would imagine….He knows. Even your tears from the sorrow and the pain that you have gone through He has counted them, collected them ….listen in his own bottle. They are dear to Him. Your pain is dear to Him.

To know that God knows and that He sees every pain and every tear encourages you to hold it together and  helps in bringing back your falling world.  

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