When Your World Falls Apart-Part 3

“People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.” Ecclesiastes 9:12

2. When your world falls apart remember God walks along side you.

Even if you do not realize that, like the two Emmaus disciples where Jesus was walking alongside them and talking to them but they did not realize that. They busy discussing their situation. Their focus was on their problem, their disaster. Jesus came along while they we in confusion of what happened to Jesus and how He went to the cross and left them alone. He came in the right moment when they were doubting and confused and in turmoil.

He came when their faith was going through rough time, were they considering leaving this Jesus faith thing? They thought that He has left them to their own doubts and battles. Were they considering leaving their faith because they could not handle what just happened to them? And He is not here to answer the unanswered questions that they carry every day? Are you in such a place? Do you doubt your faith? Do you have unanswered questions that you carry every day? See Jesus did not leave them, He was with them their entire trip to their destination. He came along with them on their confused journey and this is exactly what He does with you. If you look behind you to see His footsteps, you will only find one track of steps. Listen, your steps and His steps are the same. He travels the exact path that you are travelling with all its pains and tears.

Well to know that God is walking along side you even if you do not feel that, encourages you to hold it together and  helps in bringing back your falling word that has been shattered to pieces into life again. He is the only one who can answer your doubts and strengthen you.

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