When Your World Falls Apart-Part 5

“People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.” Ecclesiastes 9:12

    5.  When everything falls apart remember God is trustworthy.

Is God trustworthy?

To answer this question let us examine the alternatives. People, friends and family cannot give you security all the time all your life.    People change as their circumstances change. Their values in life change as time passes and when they become vulnerable to circumstances, like health ad accidents, they start think less of others. Parents can love their sons and daughters unconditionally however and sadly, in a blink of an eye, their abilities change and they pass away. Who can you trust if all things and people around you change? Who can give security in this insecure world?

Psalm 56:3  “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Why  should I put my trust in Him?

Because God has proven Himself to be the only one who is completely trustworthy. Not in your life time but throughout history. Throughout history God has always kept every promise He has ever made. He is the only one who will never let you down. He alone has the power and resources to keep every promise He has ever made. God alone can be trusted to always seek our good.

People change God Does not change. Trust should be based always on something that does not change, that is fixed something that cannot be lost. There lies your security. In that you can trust. Listen:

Always put your security and trust in something that you cannot lose. And the only thing that you cannot lose and does not change is GOD.

So when your world falls apart remember that you have a God who is trustworthy.

And because He is trustworthy He is your only refuge.

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