Wise men still seek Him-Part 1

Is it the smartest request?

If you were walking with Jesus for three years and you saw and realized what Jesus Capable of doing of doing and you had only one chance to ask him only one request, what would that be? Would it be:

Lord teach me to perform miracles?

Lord teach me to raise the dead?

     Lord teach me to go and evangelize?

After watching Jesus for three years  his disciples asked him the smartest request……..

“Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11: 1. From all that you could have asked and it will be given to you, you asked him for this simple request. Are you serious?

You have seen him walking on water, multiplying bread and fish and you ask him to teach you to pray. WHY?

Because they realized that behind the miracles is prayer and behind raising the dead is prayer and behind walking on water is prayer and behind his anointing is prayer. They realized that prayer holds the key to all what Jesus was doing.

This prayer is not the Lord’s Prayer, but the disciple’s prayer. Their smartest request.

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