Wise men still seek Him-Part 4

Do you have a certain place ? 

They asked Him to teach them to pray after noticing that He did pray every day and had a certain time and place to pray, private time and private place. Luke 11: 1 “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place”.

This certain place refers to a designated place that Jesus had where He goes and prays. Maybe His disciples thought that the place had something to do with it, but it is deeper than that.  This certain place is where rushed to each time and left all behind Him to meet the Father. It is an appointed place and time…..it is that certain place where he comes face to face with the Father. And where the Father is there is power there are miracles. Like Moses when he was in His presence he came down the mountain shinning.

That certain place where daily prayers exist, make us fully aware that Prayer is essential, not optional (not only when we need to ask for something). That certain place was the secret behind Jesus power and supernatural life. That certain place was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry indicating that prayer is essential not optional thing in living a Christian life. Jesus kept a very close, daily and open relationship with the father that kept Him in alignment with the Father’s will. Besides if He needed it, how much more do we daily need that certain place in our lives today.

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