To Pray or how to pray?
The smartest request was not “Lord ,teach us how to pray”, but Lord teach us to pray. It wasn’t so much that the disciples sought to acquire a method of praying as that they wanted to understand the secret of Jesus’s life and why he was always praying. For as they observed the life of Jesus, they became conscious that he spent much time in prayer, and as a result he gained command, strength, courage, wisdom and power to do miracles and to overcome all evil traps and bring life to the people that He touched to the people around him. They noticed that His influence is affected by His private time of praying.
They did not want to know how to pray, they wanted to be taught by the Master to pray, to pray effectively, to pray with results, to pray the will of God, to simply pray like HIM, like the Master. Didn’t they know that people pray? Yes. Didn’t they know how it is done? Yes. So what were they asking Him for? They wanted the secret to the Master’s PRAYERS as they were different, His prayers were with results, with much power. But what is the secret?